Beady eyes, untrustworthy, false smile, misleading nomenclature; the Two-Toed Sloth’s discreditable nature has hovered above the radar for decades...until today, that is. Scientists have been glossing over evidence of the Two-Toed Sloth’s deceptive complexion in an effort to spearhead an assault on the far superior, and highly dignified Three-Toed Sloth.
Sloths at a glance
The Majestic Three-Toed Sloth:
The highly aggressive "Two-Toed" Sloth attacking the elderly (note that this beast has three, count them, three toes)

Exposing the two-toed sloth for its shortcomings is not a result of any personal vendetta that I hold; rather, it is merely an attempt to highlight the supreme excellence of its relative, the accurately titled Three-Toed Sloth. I will admit that I am a vain, shallow, superficial bloke, but I whole-heartedly believe that the inner nature of the beast can be determined by the creature’s outward appearance. i.e.: the three-toed sloth is a clear victor in the concours of charm. Let's take a moment to scrutize the two contenders...
I have always been one to admire a fine vertibrae when i spy one, and the nine vertibrae of the three-toed sloth makes for a much finer chassi than the mere 6 or seven that would be found on the two-toed sloth.

Thee-toed Sloths can act as excellent travel planers as well! Inhabiting tropical areas from Central America to Northern Argentina, the three toed sloth basks in the sunshine of some of the hottest resort locations.
Beautiful climate, lovely beaches (that the sloth can view from the trees), all this and more...if you are traveling with the three-toed sloth. "Where would the two-toed sloth take you?" you ask...

Bogotá. Point and case.
1 comment:
I was in your blog class like 89 years ago, but I recently read through my blog and our group blogging efforts and made my way to yours! Anyway, this post is amazing. I have a bunch of sloth pictures from the past year when I was living in Costa Rica (yeah, the three-toed variety, not those awful two-toers).
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